How Small Businesses Can Maximize Marketing Dollars

How can business owners maximize their exposure, without maximizing their marketing spend? That’s what CEO Phil Morabito discussed last week at the Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce’s networking event.
“You have greater strength and greater power against much larger businesses when you are the best at what you do,” said Phil Morabito to the room full of small-business owners, entrepreneurs and executives at the chamber event. “You want to communicate that over and over again.”
Morabito shared his 10 fundamental tips for small businesses to achieve marketing success, including knowing your niche, doing your research and developing clear messaging to articulate that value. One of the most critical touch points for small businesses is creating a user-friendly website with crisp content that utilizes relevant keywords optimized for Google.
“Your website must be easy to find and relevant,” he explained. “That means you have to share content that lets people know you’re consistently growing and that you’re active and doing business.”
In addition Morabito shared some of his favorite ways to market a brand cost effectively, including networking, public speaking and overall office appeal. He shared that one of his favorite ways to market Pierpont is through office supplies like coffee mugs.
“Lots of people say no one does business with you because you give them a coffee mug,” said Morabito. “No they don’t, but it’s a touch point. So, when they see your name, they think of you then follow up with you on a regular basis.”
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