Professional & Financial

Communicating quality, driving results for professional & financial clients
In crowded industry sectors facing significant change, law firms and financial services companies are increasingly pressed to articulate their ability to deliver value. When communicating about multiple—and sometimes competing practice areas or lines of business—often the biggest challenge is how to differentiate a professional or financial services firm in the marketplace and still retain the message fidelity.
Pierpont understands the value of clarity in messaging, the importance of defining key audiences, and the imperative of placing our clients in the media their own clients and customers consume. Our understanding of regulatory nuances involved in marketing law firms, consulting firms, financial services companies and insurance companies completes the picture.
We also now offer a class action litigation intelligence and insight program for attorneys. This one-of-a-kind offering provides law firms defending against class action lawsuits comprehensive web, social and media monitoring and analysis of parties attempting to attract and recruit litigants.
Industry Experience
Our team has experience with the following areas within law firm marketing and financial PR:
- Executive visibility and thought leadership for law firms, consulting firms, accounting firms, insurance companies and venture capital firms and their leaders
- Market launches and ongoing campaigns for consumer retail banking, commercial lending and community banking
- Supporting private equity firms with overall positioning and visibility, and executing targeted campaigns on behalf of their portfolio companies
- Strategic communications planning and execution for specific initiatives such as M&A transactions, new executive leadership, reorganizations
See all team members
Dan Mahoney
Vice President & Denver General Manager

Christine Rashman
Vice President

Sylvester Palacios
Senior Account Supervisor

Victoria Cook
Senior Account Supervisor

Hunter Dodson
Account Supervisor

Julia Covini
Account Executive

Uniqua Williams
Account Executive