Energy Transition

Energy Transition
Industry highlights

We champion clients in the cleantech and renewable energy marketplaces

Pierpont is a strategic partner to both established energy companies and emerging cleantech innovators navigating the complexities of energy transition. We specialize in delivering targeted communications strategies that amplify our clients’ efforts in renewable energy, cleantech innovations, and the broader net-zero movement. Our commitment to keeping a pulse on the latest trends and developments ensures that we provide timely and relevant advice, helping our clients stay ahead in a rapidly evolving sector.

Specialized Communication Expertise in Energy Transition

As the energy sector develops with a growing focus on sustainability and innovation, Pierpont provides expert guidance to ensure our clients’ advancements are communicated effectively:

  • Strategic Investor Relations: Crafting compelling stories that attract investment by highlighting advancements in cleantech, renewable energy, and sustainable practices.
  • Targeted Demand Generation: Engaging diverse market segments including consumers, businesses, utility stakeholders, and government entities with the benefits and opportunities presented by renewable energy and cleantech innovations.
  • Community Management and Public Affairs: Building strong relationships with communities and policymakers to gain support for innovative projects and sustainable initiatives.
  • Reputation and Crisis Management: Enhancing brand reputations through proactive communication strategies, managing potential crises with a focus on transparency and integrity.
  • Lead and Revenue Generation: Developing marketing campaigns that drive business growth, tailored to the unique needs of the energy sector.
  • Thought Leadership: Establishing firms as thought leaders through insightful content and strategic media placements, influencing industry conversations and shaping policy.

Comprehensive Support Across the Cleantech and Renewable Energy Sectors

Pierpont supports a broad spectrum of clients within the energy transition landscape, focusing on:

  • Traditional Energy Transformation: Assisting conventional energy companies in integrating renewable sources and cleaner technologies.
  • Cleantech and Renewable Energy: Driving growth and innovation in solar, wind, bioenergy, hydropower and other renewable technologies.
  • Emerging Energy Technologies: Supporting the deployment of innovative solutions like hydrogen energy, modular nuclear power plants, and fusion energy technologies.
  • Electrification of Infrastructure: Facilitating the development of infrastructure necessary for electric vehicles and supporting the expansion of the smart grid, alongside advancements in energy storage and management.
  • Carbon Capture Technologies: Supporting companies engaged in developing and implementing carbon capture and storage solutions, helping to reduce the environmental impact of industrial processes and power generation.

Industry Experience

  • Increased investor and customer attraction for Monolith, a leading manufacturer of clean hydrogen and the first in the US to produce clean, emissions-free hydrogen at commercial scale
  • Secured top-tier media coverage of the announcement of the formation of Broad Reach Power, a utility-scale storage independent power producer
  • Garnered positive coverage in energy trade media and regional business publications for Primus Green Energy
  • Developed and executed a comprehensive marketing and communications strategy for Solugen that helped establish the brand with key stakeholders in both the oil and gas and investor communities.

Recognized for achieving impactful outcomes through strategic expertise in public relations and marketing, Pierpont’s team of senior advisors is committed to advancing your initiatives, managing reputational risks, and driving significant business performance. Located in key U.S. energy hubs—Houston and Denver in particular—we are ideally positioned to support your communication needs across the energy transition marketplace.


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Chris Jones

Senior Vice President

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Elysa Nelson

Senior Vice President

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Dan Mahoney

Vice President & Denver General Manager

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Morgan Moritz

Senior Account Supervisor

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