Greenbuild | Elevating the 2019 Greenbuild Conference to a national audience
The 2019 Greenbuild Conference and Expo, the world’s largest annual event for green building professionals, partnered with Pierpont to increase overall awareness of the conference, its speakers, and title sponsor. Held in Atlanta, the conference featured high-profile speakers such as former President Barack Obama, Bernice King, teen climate change activist Jamie Margolin as well as many others.
The former president wasn’t the only one who enjoyed the spotlight. Pierpont secured media coverage and interview requests for every speaker of note at the conference. In total, Pierpont’s proactive media relations efforts generated 290 stories across national, trade and local outlets, garnering more than 250 million media impressions.
At the conclusion of the conference, Pierpont crafted a key learnings document outlining key takeaways and opportunities for consideration. In addition, Pierpont provided a comprehensive media coverage report recapping the organic media coverage garnered on behalf of the conference, secured interview opportunities and confirmed national media attendance.